Monday, October 13, 2008

How To Invest Now

In my last post, I ended with a note saying it would be silly to stop contributions to retirement plans based solely on current market conditions.

Maybe silly isn't the right word, as every one's personal finance situation is different. But let me tell you, if I had the available money, I'd be buying up as much as I could right now. The best alternative to that, though, is continuing to buy in as I've done for a few years now. I will not stop buying unless some personal emergency forces me to. Buy low, sell high; that is the rule. Prices are low right now. It seems pretty straight-forward to me.

I'm no expert on personal finance. And neither is J.D. over at But he is an excellent self-educated personal finance blogger, and is the author of one of my favorite blogs. He is well-informed, and writes a lot of relevant material on his site.

Today, he writes about Investing in a Bear Market. This expands on my theories for why now is a great time to buy. If you are on the fence about buying in or waiting the storm out, it's worth a read.

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